Sunday, June 13, 2010

tattoos, pt. 2

pending on how loyal of a follower you are, you may remember wayyy back in april when i made a list of tattoos i want to get. to refresh your memory, here's a link to it.

now, at that point in time i was very conflicted about which one i wanted to get first because i've heard one of two things from people who have tattoos:

1) they're addictive. i can't wait to get my next one.
2) one's enough for me. i couldn't go through the pain of having another one done.

this means that there is about a 50/50 chance of me only having one tattoo and i wanted to pick the one on the list that would mean the most to me and i would be happiest with for the longest.

fact: i suck at making decisions. especially long-term ones. but, i've finally come to one.

first of all, the spider one probably won't happen at all. i say this because i looked up "spider tattoos" on google images and they were either really gross and disturbing or they looked like a clipart picture stuck to someone's body. the only design i really liked was the venom spider and that design is currently tattooed to the abdomen of my ex. so, i'm still really on the fence about that one and i'm not getting something tattooed on me forever if i'm not over 9000% sure about it.

second of all, the first tattoo i'm getting is the first one i ever wanted. the beatles strawberry one. that was the one i first imagined myself saying i wanted and following through with getting it. and i'm planning on getting it for my birthday as a gift to myself (and if someone wants to chip in, i'm more than okay with that). so i'll have to wait until september, but i was planning on waiting until i got out of my parents' house anyway. and even though i got the design from evan rachel wood, that's the most personal one to me. it's the one i've had the longest connection with and the one i've put the most thought in to. simply put, it's the one i love the most.

third of all, i finally decided where i'm going to get it put. well, no. that's not true. but i've narrowed it down to two places i would like for it to be. one of the places is on my ankle, on the inside of my leg close to where evan rachel wood has her's. the other is on the left side of my chest (underneath the boob), on my ribs.

6/17/10 EDIT: wow that really just cut off there. i've been thinking a lot about this lately and as of right now, i'm about 95% sure i'm going to get it on the spot on my ribs. that seems the most concealable and i was messing around the other day and drew an outline there. it really fit for me. i'm so ready to get this that it's not even funny.

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