Friday, April 30, 2010


i think i'm ready for another boyfriend. problem is, every time i think about liking someone new, it turns into that scene from "annie hall" where alvy and annie are walking through scenes of annie's past loves. only, in my case, they're potential loves. and taylor's sitting there scrutinizing every one, very much like alvy does. ugh. and it gives me such a headache because he just won't go away.

of course, now i've missed out on the opportunities i would have liked to pursue because of this little taylor ghost. now, i'm left with no more potentials because they've moved on and found someone who isn't crazy. gah, i really hope this ghost is happy. jerk.

he is also inhibiting my ability to finish this paper because i feel the need to blog about him. god i'm a moron.

1 comment:

  1. You're not a moron. Just find a guy, see if he's single, and if not, consider if you have any desire to steal one. That may sound fucked up, but almost all is fair in love and war. :D

    You will find someone wonderful to date, and you'll feel happier with this next one (or the next) more so than Taylor.
