so the other day my friend taylor came to visit me and she has decided that i will be getting my first tattoo this summer (she already has four and is wanting another, so i'm assuming i'll be tagging along with her). anyway, it got me thinking about which one from my list i want to get first and i realized that i don't really have written down anywhere what i want, where i want it, and why i want it. so, for the sake of organization, here goes:
1 - a simple black peace sign on the front part of my left hip.ever since, oh about sophomore year of high school i've had a peace sign fetish. i've got tons of peace jewelry, peace swimwear, peace clothing, and a peace bumper sticker on my car. i've always considered myself a pacifist and it only seems fitting that the next step is to get a peace sign on my body.
2 - the beatles design
i actually haven't figured out where i want this one to go yet, but i do know that i want it. the beatles have become my favorite band ever since i discovered their music back in high school. then i saw "across the universe" and the main actress, evan rachel wood, had this tattooed on her ankle in honour of the role (minus the "all you need is love" across the top, that was my addition) and that's when i decided that i wanted it. and aside from them being my favorite band, i've formed many friendships based on having the beatles in common and their music has helped me through some really rough times.
3 - "love listens" and the music heart (made out of the bass and treble clefs) on the spot on my back outside of where my heart is located
this one was just kind of a spur of the moment thing, i saw the symbol with "love listens" tattooed on the back of a girl in a class i was in and i decided to move it over to the side. i don't know if i'll end up getting this or not, but it's something to think about.
4 - a spider on my ankle
right here-ish but on the other foot. this one was actually inspired by my ex's tattoo (*gasp* kathryne, no! don't do that you'll regret it forever!) but hear me out. shortly after he got his tattoo, i looked up spider symbolism and came across the spider as a pagan symbol. in paganism, the spider represents female energy and in native american mythology, the spider created the first alphabet (since i want to be a writer, that fit really well). because the spider's body is shaped like an 8, it was also supposed to represent eternity. here's a link to more info about spider symbolism: because the spider is ultimately seen as a weaver of fate, i decided that i wanted to get it on my foot to represent sort of a "journey beginning with one step" kind of thing and being in control of my own fate. this tattoo was actually the most thought out one and may end up being the first one i get.
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