Monday, May 10, 2010


HOW have my parents not figured out this is how i function yet? when i come back from school for long periods of time, i have a mourning period. think about it, i've been jerked away from my friends (most of whom i didn't get to say a proper goodbye to because of the crazy exam schedule) and am having to pick up and move everything out of the place i've grown accustom to for nine months to wait it out for another three until i can return. it's almost like postpartum depression. but give me a week, week and a half tops, and i'll be fine again. i'll unpack, i'll get up earlier, i'll make plans, i'll hang out with people (and enjoy it), and i'll do things other than sit on the computer and play video games.

but no. i get accused of not having any goals, ambitions, or any desire to live. i get accused of being addicted to facebook. i get worried about. i get given strange looks because everyone's worried if i'm ok. when i say i am (because i know this is how i operate) i get yelled at for not doing anything. for not cleaning my room. for wasting my life.

i wish people would just get off my back.

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