2 weeks until my birthday.
Well, my car's working again but the internet is still down at the apartment. I should've known free internet wouldn't last forever. So here I sit, in the library. At 5:45 on a Friday afternoon killing time. Killing time until what? Until I have to go to Walgreens to get fingernail polish remover. And see if they have CD cases. And to just get cash back when I go to the counter.
Ugh. I'm so freaking tired. I need to wake up before tonight. Because of the way the sun is right now, it comes in my window right at 7:30, bright enough to wake me so that I can't get back to sleep, which means I've been going to sleep at like 11pm because I'm getting up so early. Last night, I went to bed at 1:21AM after going to a concert and this morning woke up at 6:06, feeling like I'd only slept for an hour. Then, at 8:30 I woke up again thinking it was at least 11. My perception of time is very skewed in that room.
Dell desktop keyboards are quite hard to type on. I keep making typos and that little red line under the word that Mozilla puts is really getting on my nerves right now. This is why I use Chrome, but does my laptop work with the internet? Nope. Well, it does, just not at the apartment. And I can't even use my Ethernet cable there because we don't have a phone line. This blows.
I've had enough of this post. I'm going to Walgreens.
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