Wednesday, July 28, 2010


this picture is now the background on my computer. it will remain the background on my computer until the day i move back to rock hill. for another 17 days. it's so close i can taste it.

all summer i've been wallowing in my own self pity because i came back home to find that it felt even less like home than the last time i was here. i've become withdrawn, depressed, self-destructive because i've literally felt as though i don't belong anywhere all summer. (except for salkehatchie, but that was more about the people than the location).

but, in reading a friend's blog, i've discovered where home is:
home is back at winthrop.
home is back in rock hill.
home is a 20 minute drive from charlotte.
home is a 2 bedroom apartment with my crazy best friend, whom i love.
home is a small southern town with some of the best people i've ever met.
home is 17 days away.
home is waiting for me.

so this picture is staying up, as a reminder that i will be home soon.

also, isn't that boy just beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way. :) so yay for winthrop, yay for friends, and yay for finally being home soon!
