capri sun+mac and cheese for lunch makes me feel like i'm 5 years old again, and i love it! :)
i drunk texted my sister for the first time ever the other day. it was a pretty rad conversation. i still think i have the best sister ever.
i've decided it's ultimatum time with problem c. (see: 'boy-crazy' in june 2009). you know me. you like me. you either want to date me or you don't. i'm tired of being strung along. guy after guy after guy. it always happens. the only problem with this ultimatum is i'm worried it's gonna end the same as all the others: "i really like you, but now's not a good time for me. let's stay friends." i really, really don't want this to happen with him. probably more so than i didn't want this to happen with any of the others.
my roommate talks to her boyfriend via webcam a lot. it doesn't bother me at all, but i wish i had a webcam and someone i cared about who really cared about me to talk back and forth with. man. now i'm really regretting not getting the webcam option on my computer. i suppose i could go buy one, but i don't really want to. haha.
i have to leave for class in ten minutes. then i'll be in class for four straight hours. it would've been nearly seven straight hours had i not dropped theatre. it was a bittersweet deal. on the one hand, i really wanted to take the class cause i love theatre, but i didn't have the time to put the effort in and i really didn't want to be in class for that long. i'd feel like i was in high school again. lame.
i think freshman year of college makes you emotional. i thought it was just me last year, but i've been watching these freshmen come through (i mean, i am in the freshman dorm. they're the people i interact with every day) and i've seen so many breakdowns and frustrations over pretty insignificant things. well, i guess they're significant enough, but things that wouldn't have phased me before i started going here, and no longer phase me because i've gotten past that stage. it's almost like back at the restaurant, and the first really busy day you work. you're not used to it, so it's more stressful and frustrating cause you haven't gotten used to managing your time and keeping up with the flow of things. but once you've been there for a while and seen many a busy night, you're more calm. you know what to expect, and you don't let little things that once seemed huge bother you.
i wish i could've gone to the beach one more time before "summer" was officially over. well, happy labor day. why do we have classes again?
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