Wednesday, February 3, 2010


yes, i know there are plenty more fish in the sea. but i want THAT fish.

i'm a brat. i've discovered this. i'm not proud of it, i've just discovered it. i'm used to getting what i want. and when i don't, i tend to make everyone involved miserable until i do finally get it. this is quite a revelation.

sigh. i just want my fish back.


  1. Do you mind if I ask what happened?

  2. not at all. my boyfriend and i broke up last sunday (in thomson, of all places). he originally said it was for my sanity because we had had a bad week causing me to become very emotional. this past saturday, though (almost a week later) he came clean and said that he ended it because he didn't see the relationship going anywhere. ironically enough, when he thought our relationship was plateau-ing, i was trying to figure out how to tell him "i love you." and now, i'm just trying to move on, but it's hard.

  3. Oh, wow. That is upsetting, indeed. I happen to be in a somewhat similar situation with my girlfriend at this moment - being at different points in regard to the relationship. Do you believe he is attracted to someone else? Or just that he truly believes it was going nowhere?

  4. yeah. i didn't have the guts to tell him that though, so idk if he even knows that we were at different points in the relationship. and honestly, i'm not even sure what to believe. i don't think he's attracted to anyone else in particular (at least, i'm pretty sure that's not the reason we broke up). but, like i said it took me a week to get the "real reason" out of him. whether that's the truth or not, i really have no idea.

  5. Well, that is most unfortunate, Kathryne. The best way to look at is to take my motto "fuck bitches, get money." Allow yourself some time to be sad...perhaps a few weeks, and then get back out there. Only when you're out there flirting, cuddling, and dating again will you feel confident and then he'll know what he gave up.

  6. haha i like that motto. yeah, i realized last night that my time to be sad is up. i'm tired of it, to be quite frank. as for the getting back out there part, that one might take a little bit longer to work on.

  7. Indeed, it can, but if you have the strength to stop being sad, you have the strength to find those other fish. :)

  8. i'm just starting to see that correlation. :)
