Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm tired.

(and repetitive. just to warn you)

I'm tired of constantly feeling jealous of this one person and
I'm tired of the fact that I can't make myself stop being jealous.

I'm tired of being single but also
I'm tired of rejecting guys I'm just flat out not interested in. And
I'm tired of the ones I am interested in rejecting me.

I'm tired of this sickening feeling that I won't cut it this year.
I'm tired of having to be good enough and
I'm tired of the idea of losing precious money for school when I'm not.

I'm tired of school but I know in about a month or so
I'll be tired of summer too.

I'm tired of not having anything to do and
I'm tired of finding new ways to tell people I'm too busy to hang out.

I'm tired of being confusing and
I'm tired of being confused.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

back again.

I don't know what to do with this blog. I love it, I just never find my way over here.

Also, I'm worried that the person who gave me all that shit on formspring about this blog didn't forget about it in my hiatus. I'm reluctant as to what to say and feel I need to over explain things and that's not how I should feel on my own blog.

But I'm keeping it.

It's just gonna take baby steps to get back into the habit of it.